Source:, June 2019

In an unexpected move, the Arab governments, headed by those with close ties to the US, announced a new plan: The Salvation of The Century to end the century long destruction of Palestine and Palestinians and to end the instability which ruined the lives of millions of people in the Middle East since Balfour Declaration. The Plan was endorsed secretly by the tri-summit meeting in Jedda on May 30, 2019 in which the GCC, Arab League, Organization of Islamic Countries met to discuss the future of their nations suffering under war conditions for a century.
The Plan is in two parts: Economic Plan of which parts are now slowly released and a Political Planwhich remains unknown. The Economic Plan is released days before the Bahrein Workshop to promote Kushner plan known as Deal of the Century.
The Economic Plan contains a fund of fifty billion dollars as a first installment to be allocated as follows:
- A generous fund to repatriate one million Russian economic immigrants (Jews and pseudo Jews) who arrived in Palestine 20 years ago, back to Russia. It is understood that President Putin welcomed the move, provided the incentive fund increased.
- A welfare and incentive fund to benefit at least 1.7 million Arab Jews to re-establish their businesses in Arab counties where they lived before and equally to renovate the infrastructure in those countries. Jewish ministers in Tunis and Morocco welcomed the Plan. King Mohammed VI of Morocco issued a decree to waive taxes on returning Moroccan Jews for 5 years. Iraqi Prime minister ordered the renovation of the Jewish quarter in Baghdad and instructed the Kurdish regional government to move all Jewish businesses established now in Kurdistan to Baghdad. President Sisi erected a welcoming tent at Cairo Airport with a music band and a bank committee ready to open bank accounts for the returnees.
- A General Pardon endorsed by the UN and ICC for all Ashkenazi Jews in Palestine from all war crimes, provided they leave Palestine in 3 months. Those who remain are entitled to stay in Palestine and their cases will be presented to ICC for a verdict.
- Reconstruction of all destroyed villages to be started by Palestinian engineers and labor solely.
The funds for the Economic Plan will be financed by the Compensation collected from Israel for the exploitation and use of Palestinian businesses, properties, infrastructure and land for seventy years in accordance with UN resolution 72/83.
Until this becomes available, Arab countries decided to allocate a portion of its arms purchase budget to this purpose starting with the sale of obsolete or outdated weapons or cancelling some ambitious arms deals.
The European Union welcomed the plan as it will relieve EU countries from endless subsidies to Israel and PA, under pressure from USA. Angela Merkel promised to divert funds for gifted Israeli submarines to the Economic Plan. A German committee is looking into retrieving the huge amounts of aid paid to Israel after 1948, not to its individual victims during WWII.
A committee is established in Britain to estimate the losses and damages to Palestinians caused by Britain in its 28-year Mandate. Tony Blair, using his experience in Iraq, volunteered to find ways to extract money from the UK government treasury. He himself offered to contribute 30% of his “fees” collected from foreign governments.
The Arab governments called on over two thirds of the world countries, former victims of colonization, to support the Plan.
At the same time, the Arab government warned other governments which may try to subvert the Plan that it will impose economic sanctions on them including cutting oil supplies, restricting their flights and sea routes within Arab countries and withdrawing funds from their Treasury Bonds in addition to other measures to be disclosed in time.
The CIA advised President Trump of the Plan. He we into a rage and immediately fired the Zionist contingent in the White House (Jared Kushner, David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt) and accused them of being useless bankruptcy real estate dealers. He appointed Melanie as his Chief Political Advisor.
He made a passionate plea to MBS to keep the arms deal intact in return for proving that Khashoggi never existed. Melanie is now on her way to Saudi Arabia to convince MBS after receiving assurance she will return.
Salman Abu Sitta, Founder and President of Palestine Land Society, London, dedicated to the documentation of Palestine’s land and People. Website Author of six books on Palestine including the compendium Atlas of Palestine 1917- 1966, English and Arabic editions, the Atlas of the Return Journey in Arabic, English and Hebrew and over 300 papers and articles on the Palestinian refugees, the Right of Return, history of al Nakba and human rights. He is the author of “Mapping my Return: A Palestinian Memoir” which had positive reviews. Dr Abu Sitta is active in many academic, legal and human rights groups.